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'Pools': An exclusive teaser.

Hello again! I realise I haven't posted in what seems like forever, and there are two main reasons for that:

1. Christmas! I hope you all had a lovely festive season, I sure did, although now I'm feeling the calories, whoops!

2. I've been writing! And brainstorming too, actually...

It's all kind of happened in the wrong order to be honest, but no writer is perfect, right? I was sat in my auntie's car not too long ago coming home from work, when a song came on the radio. It was 'Teardrops' by Womack and Womack, and it ended up making me imagine this typical disco/pub scene in the 70's with a beautiful blonde, sobbing and sobbing about seeing her ex lover with another woman. This kind of spiralled into me listening to way too much disco and creating an entire new play, 'Four Rooms'! I mean...I haven't even got halfway through 'pools' yet!

But a new year provided a fab oppurtunity to focus, knuckle down, and write this beautiful thing I have been so passionate about for SO LONG, and I can't wait to tell you a little more about it.

My Stimuli

1. 'Sisters' painting

You might be wondering why I've put this painting here. A print of 'Sisters' by Robert Edward Morrison was on display in my late Granny's hallway, and I was mesmerised by it. The soft pastel colours are beautiful, but there's just something about it that's really captivating, and it really shows a strong sisterly relationship, leading me onto my next stimuli...

2. My family!!

My extended family I would say is the biggest stimulus for the characters of this piece. My lovely older cousins Catherine and Sarah (as teenagers) are the protagonists for this piece, and my Aunties Jo and Angie are great supporting roles, along with my late Granny, Margaret. Themes within the piece are also loosely inspired (but very much exaggerated!) by my family, which is explored later in this post.

3.The song 'Lay Down in Swimming Pools'

This song. Oh my god this song. This was what gave me the idea for the entire thing. The settings, the dark undertones and all that stuff.

Obviously it's a sample and reworking of Kendrick Lamar's 'Swimming Pools', and actually sung by the three original members of the Sugababes. I strongly feel that excerpts of this track should be used for the trailer and opening titles, as it is so haunting and mysterious.


Greed- money and a love for all things gold and pricey

Toxic family ties- rows and disagreements

Alcoholism- a downward spiral

Water- they say that blood is thicker than water. But is it really true?

In my next post, I plan to show you how I work as a writer and how I plan episodes or scenes within a play or TV script. I don't think I work in the conventional way, but remember: every writer is different, otherwise everyone's work would be identical!!

Bye for now!

G x x

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