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Source One


‘Creative Thinking Definition, Skills and Examples’ (2018) [online]

Available from: [Accessed 9 February 2018]


Alison Doyle’s web article for The Balance focusses on recognising your own creativity as an employee or freelance worker, and thinking outside of the box. Doyle has spent many years working in Human Resources and college careers services, and as such has lots of experience in that field. The article itself was updated on the 30th of January 2018, meaning that it is very current material. Paired with the explicit display of the writers’ name on the webpage, the source has credibility and is reliable.



Doyle’s article provided me with new knowledge in creative thinking, such as artistic creativity and creative problem solving, and examples of where these are used in careers, such as designing a logo. This understanding will help me determine which skills to put on my CV and how to improve these.

Source Two


‘Evan Placey’ (2018) [online] Available from: [Accessed 6 February 2018]


The Agency’s web page is a descriptive biographic concerning the playwright Evan Placey and his journey to becoming a name in British theatre. Whilst the writer of the page is not made explicit, Placey’s agent Tanya Tillett is listed on the page, which suggests that she had significant input into the creation of the document, as the manager of his work. This means the source has some credibility, as Tanya has a masters degree in script development, but still it is not a fully reliable source, as the writer is not clearly stated on the website.


The Agency’s page on Evan Placey was useful to me as an aspiring playwright because it informed me about someone directly involved in the industry, and the role I wish to pursue. The source explains schemes he was involved in, such as Kudos/Bush Theatre’s development scheme- integral to his success.

Source Three


‘Playwright’ (2018) [online] Available from: [Accessed 6 February 2018]


The Creative Choices’ playwright job profile is a website dedicated to providing aspiring playwrights with the business accruement they need to break into the industry. The website does not state the person who wrote the content; therefore the source is unreliable, as the reader would not know if the writer had a background in play writing. Whilst the site makes many valid, informative statements, such as ‘involving a publisher is not always the most important stage of playwriting’, these are not justified by any evidence or an expert in that field.


Although not the most dependable online source, this site was useful in learning how to break into a competitive industry, and the importance of getting a play into the theatre, rather than onto a page. Consequently, this source provided more of a directorial perspective, rather than that of a writer.

Source Four


Smiley, S. (2005) Playwriting, The United States of America: Yale University Press


The playwright and screenwriter Sam Smiley states that ‘The three natural components of creativity in artists are intellect, talent and compulsion’. (Smiley, 2005) Playwrights themselves are artists, and Smiley declares that they require these three elements in order to create innovative and original work, and in turn, get their work out there and into theatres. The writer of the text is a playwright himself, and as the book was reprinted in the twenty-first century, it has content within it that is relevant to today’s writers, as approaches and writing styles have changed a lot over the past thirty years.


This text enabled me to understand theoretical perspective behind play writing as an art form; that the three elements intellect, talent and compulsion each derive from awareness, sensitivity and discipline respectively. Without the latter qualities, work will become ill-informed, emotionally detached and not at the standard it could be.

DANS 2526 Creative Enterprise- Annotated Bibliography
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