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Character Creation

Hello my honeys, this is my third blog post now, how mad's that?

Today's post is all about how I devise and create my characters, which is normally the first process I go through in order to make my work, as the characters are so integral to what I create- they shape the way the story turns.

Initial Ideas

I have one process, or rather theory, when it comes to initially coming up with a character's existence. Really, that's the key word here- they have to EXIST in the first place. All of my characters are based on real people that I know. I might alter their name, or slight aspects of their appearance or personality, but that initial inspiration is so important. You need something to jump out at you- for example, in 'pools', (slight character teaser coming your way in this post), the characters of sisters Sarah and Cath are inspired by my two second cousins, who are also both sisters, and their unbreakable bond.


Next is a step I've already mentioned in the Initial Ideas section, but I had to explain that in there to make the other part make sense...if that makes sense?!? (Probably not haha!)

To develop my characters further, I now have to work out what I need to change about them, in order for the storyline and themes to make sense. So for instance with Cath's character, I gave her the trait of serious alcoholism, which might sound crazy considering she's only sixteen years old, but this is actually critical not only to the storyline, but within the deeper, more buried meanings within the script.

Finalisation/Greater Details

To finalise my characters, I go into great detail about their characteristics by making a profile for them. I love to use Microsoft OneNote to do this- its like a notebook, but virtual! And everything's in just the right place:)

I hope this gives you a better idea of my process of creating characters for my plays and TV scripts!

Bye for now my darlings

G x x

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